Monday, June 30, 2008

New Orleans Square: The Haunted Mansion


Pic from
TYPE OF RIDE: Experience ride/themed tour
Personal score: 10/10
The spirit of Halloween and playful scares is sure alive in the creepy, old Mansion!
Adult score: 7/10
The ride is mostly for kids-at-heart, but most adults will enjoy the ride for the complex theme and the laid-back style.
Young children (2-7) score: 6/10
Even though the “scare-factor” is meant to be playful rather than scary, young children might be frightened by the mummies jumping out suddenly and other elements in the ride.
Children (8-12) 9/10
The scary parts of the ride are really more mischievous and almost cynical, so older children will enjoy it.
Teens (13-18): 8/10
The theme is enjoyable, but teens might consider it childish.
Theme: 10/10
The theme is consistent throughout the ride, and is very well done. The music is great – very fitting and minor.
Thrill: N/A
Overall Average: Approx. 8.33/10

Description:The Haunted Mansion is a very experience based ride. The ride itself is supposed to be a tour of a so-called-deserted mansion that is actually inhabited by “999 happy haunts”. You board your “doom-buggies” or black cars that fit about 2 or three people (definitely 3 children) after walking through a creepy hallway and watching the “Stretching Room” do miraculous things. Your buggies are on a fixed track throughout the Mansion, and there are no drops or elements of thrill anywhere in the ride. It is about 10 minutes long. There are many rooms inside that you tour – the ghostly hallway with doors that rattle, shake and even breathe, a séance room where a psychic woman’s head is inside a crystal ball (Madame Leota) talking to the “spirits” and to instruments floating above your head, an attic with ghostly attributes, a ballroom where ghosts are dancing to a minor waltz played on an organ, and, my personal favorite, the graveyard. There are many other surprises with realistic looking spirits along the way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a great blog! Personally, I love Disney. My favorite ride is the Tower of Terror. This ride is a perfect combination of outstanding theming and exillirating thrills - an exemplarary example of Disney's ability to bring out the kid in all of us. I can't wait to return to Disneyworld this October!